2017 Background materials shared by participants

Listed in order of submission:

Private provision of public information tuna fisheries - Marine Policy 77 (2017) 130-135

Uncertainty in catch and effort data of small- and medium-scale tuna fisheries Indonesia - Fisheries Research 193 (2017) 173-183


Combatting Illegal, Unreported or Unregulated fishing - Scoping Paper TAD/FI(2016)12

FISHING FOR FOOD SECURITY : LESSONS FROM INDONESIA - Identifying policies for the sustainable contribution of marine fisheries and aquaculture to food security and nutrition TAD/FI(2016)14

The OECD Handbook for Fisheries Managers - Principles and Practice for Policy Design

The role of traceability in transforming seafood governance in the global South - Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (February 2016)

Fish Product Mislabelling: Failings of Traceability in the Production Chain and Implications for Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing - PLoS One June 2014

Providing Value Chain Analysis for improving operations - VCA4D DEVCO C1

A Guide to SDG interactions: from Science to Implementation - paper with illustrations of inter linkages between SDG 14 and other SDGs (p174 sq)

Strengthening sector policies for better food security and nutrition results: Fisheries and aquaculture - Policy Guidance Note from FAO and the EU

Greening China’s Fish and Fish Products Market Supply Chains - IISD, June 2011

The role of women in the seafood industry - GLOBEFISH/FAO, May 2015

Global Impacts Report 2017 - MSC

The EU fight against IUU fishing in West Africa - EC/DG Mare

Report on Human Trafficking, Forced Labour and Fisheries Crime in the Indonesian Fishing Industry - IOM, 2016

Click here for Materials shared by PROFISH