European Fisheries Advisors Network Meeting 2011 - Eschborn

On this page you can find the meeting report, list of participants, several presentations as well was information material from various participants of the European Fisheries Advisors Network Meeting, held in Eschborn, 16th – 18th of November 2011.

EFDAN2011: Meeting Report: European Fisheries Development Advisors’ Network (.doc 142KB)

EFDAN2011: List of participants (.doc 67KB)

EFDAN2011: The common vision for fisheries in Africa and the african expectative from the reformed EU’s CFP (pdf 413KB) by Georges MBA-ASSEKO - Marine & Coastal and Resource management Expert, ECCAS

EFDAN2011: A sustainable reform of the external Common Fisheries Policy (pdf 4MB)

EFDAN2011: A sustainable reform of the external Common Fisheries Policy - low-res version (pdf 2.4MB) by Isabella Lövin - The Greens / European Free Alliance

EFDAN2011: CFP reform – the external dimension (pdf 336KB) by Matthias Leonhard Maier - European Commission, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, MARE B.3 – Bilateral Agreements

EFDAN2011: Les enjeux de la réforme de la PCP pour la Pêche artisanale africaine (pdf 70KB) Speech Gaoussou Gueye

EFDAN2011: African Confederation of Small-Scale Fisheries Professional Organisations - information sheet (pdf 471KB)

EFDAN2011: European Parliament: Report on combating illegal fishing at the global level - the role of the EU (pdf 248KB) Committee on Fisheries; rapporteur Isabella Lövin

EFDAN2011: European Parliament: Resolution on the EU-Maritania Fisheries Agreement (pdf 135KB)

EFDAN2011: FAO reform and activities: Summary of remarks (pdf 193KB)

EFDAN2011: Terms of Reference - Scramble for Fish (pdf 494KB) Worldbank
